
MOVA Globe Earth


Travel on our planet to get an insight into the natural beauty of the earth from space that has been captured with NASA satellite images – our most popular model, the Mova Globe with clouds.

This is a perspective that only few people will ever get to see: Earth from afar. This globe uses high-resolution satellite images from NASA for a direct look at our planet from space. White cloud swirls punctuate the calming green and blue colors. Through gentle rotation, the globe creates an immersive visual experience. Because of its authentic beauty, it is the customers’ favorite. It’s as if you were traveling alongside astronauts to experience our impressive planet up close.

Also available in 6″inch and 8.5″inch.

Erdkugel mit Mova-Wolken NahaufnahmeGlobe mit Mova-Wolken in der HandGlobe mit Mova-Wolken auf dem Schreibtischp

MOVA Globe Earth
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