Black and Silver MOVA Globe
Black and Silver MOVA Globe
Black and Silver MOVA Globe

MOVA Globe Black and Silver


In this daring interpretation of the Mova Globe Noir and the traditional silver, the black oceans are underlined by metal masses.

This globe is spectacular and simple at the same time. It shows a silver world map in the middle of a deep black sea. It is an elegant choice for those looking for a minimalist atmosphere, as well as for collectors of world maps.

MOVA Globe Schwarz und Silber in der Hand in der NahansichtMOVA Globe Schwarz und Silber in der HandMOVA Globe Noir et Argent posé sur un bureau MOVA Globe Schwarz und Silber in der Hand auf einem Tisch liegend

Also available in 6″inch and 8,5″inch.

Black and Silver MOVA Globe MOVA Globe Black and Silver
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